Carswell Community Primary School


These pages set out information about our provision for children and young people with special educational needs (SEN/D).  SEN/D provision is additional to and different to what is provided as part of Carswell’s inclusive, personalised and differentiated curriculum.  Click on the different sections of the dashboard below to find out more about our SEN provision. 

About our School

Carswell Community Primary School welcomes and provides for children and young people with a range of educational needs, including those with:
Communication and interaction-  speech, language and communication needs, Autistic Spectrum Disorder including Aspergers and Autism.
Cognition and learning- moderate non-specific learning difficulties, and specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyspraxia or dyscalculia.
Social, emotional and mental health difficulties- behaviour reflecting underlying mental health or emotional difficulties, attention deficit disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, attachment disorder.
Sensory and/or physical needs- hearing, visual or multi-sensory impairments or physical disability.


Adapting the curriculum

Carswell SEND information report

Monitoring/ how we know our provision is effective

 Oxfordshire Early Years SEN guidance

Our expertise

Working with parents

Identifying and assessing needs

 Supporting the well being of SEN pupils

Oxfordshire guidance for SEN support

Joining the school and moving on

Oxfordshire's local offer
Information from the county council about support for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Carswell Community Primary School is committed to working in partnership with parents.  If you are concerned about your child's learning please speak to his or her class teacher in the first instance.  You may also find it helpful to speak to our school's SEN co-coordinator: please contact the school office to make an appointment or email.

Useful contacts at the school:
People who deal with concerns which cannot be dealt with by the class teacher:

•  Inclusion Lead/ Year 6 teacher  – Imogen Collins
  • Deputy Head Teacher – Carrie Cook

  • Head Teacher - Paul Crandon